Monday, August 23, 2010

Week 5 - The tute exercise.

Our goal and yours is to enter into the world of Culture Jamming.
You are to devise a plan to get noticed by 'normal' media.
As we saw in the lecture, allows the public to report on anything.
There are some similar sites that are more local and may prove to be more interested in local events.

The Tute task for Week 5 consists of the planning and research you undertake to be ready to produce your news story/public report/local update (whatever it may end up being). This should include who is doing what in your group and how you are going to make/produce the content of your Culture Jam.

You can use video, still shots, audio, standard text and documents you may want to create as props.
Internet resources should be used to give depth and credit to your Jam.
In groups of no more than 4 and all must post their own blog entries.

To complete this entire task it will take two weeks but the first half will be assessed during weeks 6/7.

Talk to your tutor about your plans.

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